Pilot Projects Lindsay Randall Pilot Projects Lindsay Randall

Pilot Project w. Seattle Seahawks - Labor Forecasting

Seahawks Workforce Pilot Project


The Seahawks and First & Goal are looking for innovative ways to solve their labor forecasting needs.

Read the description below to find out more about their needs and apply to work with the most recognizable brand in Seattle.

Broad Challenge Theme

 Workforce Challenges


Please provide a brief overview of the company and your situation as it pertains to the specifics of your experience with the broader challenge identified above.

  • The Seattle Seahawks/ First and Goal, Inc. are responsible for the operations and staffing of Lumen Field for a variety of public and private events, as well as home to MLS Sounders FC, NWSL OL Reign and the NFL.

  • We would like to work on developing an innovative labor forecasting, staffing and development system is a need for our operations.  We have existing relationships with established software providers.  However, we are always open to considering new opportunities.

Pilot Requirements

(Please describe your ideal solution to the challenge identified above. If you don’t know if this exists, that is okay.) Specifics of your organization's needs go here, including timeline implications for the project.

  • We are open to suggestions and solutions.

  • Ideal timeline would be prior to the fall 2022.  However, we can extend into early 2023.

  • In addition to labor forecasting, staffing and development, we would like to find a post event reporting system that we can utilize to populate our post event reports.      

Technology Environment

Please list any relevant websites or platforms related to this issue (e.g. POS, CRM, etc)

  • We currently utilize ABI for much of our time keeping, scheduling and deployments.   We are converting to another system by July 2022.

Additional Benefits of this pilot

If you plan to contract for a full project, list here. Also potential growth that could attract startup interest.

  • Information exchange with experienced industry leaders and real world environment to test pilot.

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