Meet the founders and companies in Congregate Cohort Two

Today PNWER is thrilled to announce the founders and companies selected for the Congregate Solutions Accelerator Second Cohort. After a rigorous referral and vetting process, these companies were selected to participate because their ventures align with Congregate’s mission to accelerate resilience in travel and tourism.  

Over the course of the next ten weeks, these founders will work with Congregate to secure partnerships with travel and tourism companies throughout the northwest to test out concepts that can help the industry around these lingering challenges: (1) workforce and labor challenges and (2) the lagging recovery in business travel.  

On May 11 at 2pm, the founders of cohort two will have their first chance to “pitch for partners” in an event designed to connect them to potential partners. Companies interested in meeting directly with these founders to discuss their product or attending the even on May 11 should reach out to for more information.  

Read more in the press release from PNWER.

Companies and founders selected for Cohort Two include:

  • CityGuyd Naor Amir and Pauline Feder, Co-Founders

CityGuyd turns real life people into digital, Augmented Reality tour guides! Our digital guides or famous VIPs can be found at cities, landmarks, & events across the globe - improving the travel experience, increasing fan engagement, and providing our clients with valuable data on their visitors!

  • ClubHealth  Daniel Bolus and Josh Lim, CoFounders

    ClubHealth is a one-stop platform for modern employee health perks. We curate and bundle personalized, subclinical health & wellness products for employees based on individualized profiles that can be deployed in any work environment. Products include premium fitness and mental health apps, nutritional supplements, subscription boxes, educational resources, and more.

Edizeven is a jobs website built from the ground-up for the special needs of the restaurant and hospitality industry. Whether you work in a restaurant or you run one, time is scarce. Edizeven provides tech-powered, personalized hiring solutions for restaurants, helping them hire staff 3x faster and better.

Introducing the best way to come together online: kick back, a more human video conferencing experience. Our custom video network introduces superior enhancements to make communicating online feel like we are actually together.

  • LegUp Jessica Eggert, Founder

Families need child care to cover the hours they're at work, but the process to find a quality, full-time care can take months or even years. We're building technology that helps working families find care when and where they need it, so they can get back to everything else.

  • LocalBuzz, Inc. Adrian Gillette and Tony Ce, Co-Founders

    LocalBuzz makes it so much easier for people to venture out into their local communities, find interesting things to do, meet people in real life, and be social. We provide an exciting way to explore your town, city, and community by discovering local spots and things to do through videos. It’s the best way to find a new restaurant, a great new band to see, or an experience to share. Save new discoveries, capture the moment and share your experiences. It’s time to break out of our bubbles and find new things that make our lives a lot happier!

  • Motis Inc. Richard Beaton, Founder

    Motis Grow offers companies a way to make the employee experience fair and personal with customizable career paths, skillsets, and feedback. Employees love Motis Grow because it makes them feel known, like they belong and have a future with the company. And it fosters career growth, employee retention, and overall high performance, which are good for business.

  • Radious Amina Moreau, Brian Hendrickson & iLan Epstein, Co-founders 

    Radious offers companies a marketplace for on-demand meeting spaces and private offices right in their employees' neighborhoods. The model is similar to Airbnb but instead of overnight accommodations, we offer great workspaces — close to home. Companies love Radious because our spaces allow for in-person collaboration without forcing teams to commute back to a centrally located office. They offer better work-life separation by getting people out of the house, shorten commute times, reduce turnover costs by offering teams flexibility, and are cheaper than that rigid 10-year lease that companies were previously constrained by.

  • Simply X  Christopher Davies & Emily Cheng, Co-Founders

    SimplyX provides a cloud-based platform for our customers where they can easily create and manage mobile-friendly mini-webpages within minutes. Through our Design Studio, important business links can be aggregated into effective customizable campaigns. Once created the system also generates URLs and downloadable QR and NFC files, that allow these campaigns to be shared through endless channels as well as everyday items. By their digital assets to physical items like product packaging and branded merchandise,  ordinary items become dynamic marketing assets that people can engage with in the real world, extending their digital voice outside of the internet.


Applications for Cohort Two open until April 15th