A program to accelerate recovery and resilience

The Pacific Northwest Economic Region (PNWER) is focused on how the region can utilize the latest technologies to safely reopen in the light go the COVID-19 pandemic. PNWER has always been a strong advocate for innovation in the region and prior to the current pandemic worked with regional stakeholders on how they would communicate and respond to a public health emergency. PNWER continues to collaborate with regional stakeholders to learn best practices and challenges during our the COVID-19 pandemic.

As a result, PNWER and its innovation and Tourism Working Groups developed the Congregate Program that will assist companies that have solutions accelerate them to the marketplace. The goal of the project is to accelerate innovative solutions to allow people to safely congregate and reopen tourism, performing arts, travel and hospitality sectors. Technology is a key component to a successful recovery as well as growing the economy in the coming years.

In order to fund this program, PNWER applied for a Federal Challenge Grant from the EDA. As part of the application process, PNWER reached out to several organizations and legislative leaders for this important regional program which has wider implications for the region and the world. PNWER recognizes that companies and entrepreneurs will need various levels of support to advance innovations that will make the world safer and less susceptible to the impacts of a pandemic.

On January 19, PNWER presented to the Washington State House Community & Economic Development Committee on the 2020 activities of our Innovation Working Group as well as the Congregate proposal.

View Congregate’s Presentation Slides here

Read the full press release


PNWER receives EDA funding for a solutions accelerator program